Sunday, February 13, 2011

Great Questions for a First Date

Most men do the standard interview questions on a date: where are you from, what do you do, what hobbies do you have, favourite film, what do you read, do you have brothers and sisters.

The fact is, the average beautiful woman has been on hundreds of first dates and has been approached by guys in bars and clubs thousands of times.

She doesn't want to answer these questions over and over. How do you stand out and make a killer first impression? Ask great questions!

Great questions fall into a number of categories. They all share a few traits:

- They are original.

- They bring out an old memory.
- They bring out a positive emotion.
- They challenge her.

Lets get onto the questions:

1. Did you have an Imaginary friend when you were young?

2. Do you remember your first day at school?

This is a question that brings out strong emotions because it is something that they probably haven't talked about for a long time, but that has strong emotions attached to it.

3. If you could wake up tomorrow anywhere in the world, where would it be?

This is another good question and replaces boring questions on this subject such as do you like to travel? and did you go on holiday this year. Get her to describe the place vividly until she feels like she is there!

4. Are your friends mostly men or women?

This tells you something about their character and also gets them talking about people they care about and their friends.

5. Whats the one thing you can't say no to?

This is a good way to find out something they really enjoy, it could be chocolate, it could be fresh orange juice.

It should make their eyes light up. You can then describe how good it is to eat that chocolate or drink that fresh orange juice and watch how you can lead them into a desiring state.

6. What talents do you have that would surprise me?

This is a great question, and is a challenge. Early on in an interaction, they won't feel any need to answer challenging questions.

By the rapport stage, they will feel some pressure to respond to a question like this to prove themselves to you. Remember that she is likely to ask the same back to you, so have something ready.

7. Have you been in love?

Focus on the time when they were actually in love, don't ask what happened this would focus on the break-up!

You will make her want those feelings again, and since she is with a cool guy, she will probably be imagining them with you.

This is a great one, for a number of reasons: First, it brings out the emotion and memories connected with love.

Second, it gets onto the subject of relationships and so gets her to easily start to imagine a relationship with you.

Throw out some of these great questions and you will have the woman thinking you are the most interesting person she ever met. Not only that but you will have a deep connection, something you can never get with so? you have any hobbies?

Article Source: abcarticledirectory

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