Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sony updates PSN terms to nix class action lawsuits

Sony has updated the terms of service for its PlayStation Network to include a clause that would keep customers from filing class action lawsuits against the company, “its affiliates, parents or subsidiaries.”
The Examiner reported that the language was included in Sony’s new terms of service for the network, which many gamers will likely approve without reading.

Several companies include similar language in their terms of service, requiring that customers pursue individual arbitration to resolve disputes with the company. In April 2011, the Supreme Court ruled that companies could ban class-action effortswhen companies require that consumers pursue complaints through individual arbitration rather than lawsuits, the Post reported at the time.

Sony is currently facing some class action lawsuits related to a breach in April of the PSN, which compromised the personal details of approximately 77 million Sony customers.

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